gtag('config', 'AW-745439894');

T-Mobile Data Center

Location: Dallas, TX
  • Date: 2023
  • Client: T-Mobile Data Center
  • Project Type: New Data Center

About this Project

Over 225 piles were needed for the renovation of an existing building into a new data center. With only 14-17’ of clearance, helical piles were the logical choice deep foundation solution to support the new loads for the data center. 4-5 helical piles were required in each pile cap to support the new loading. Helical piles ranged from 2-7/8” diameter to 4.5” diameter.
processed AE17FAB6 4188 475E 8A8C B6BF3004ABF2 3967943E 0EAE 45A5 8587 FABE48BDB1A7
T Mobile

T-Mobile is a provider of telecommunication services. The company provides wireless telecom services, as well as a host of other services, including voice, text messaging, video calling, and data communications. It serves postpaid, prepaid, and wholesale customers.

Contact Us

202 S Dixon St, Gainesville, TX


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